Zentangle Animal

This piece of artwork depicts a fox with numerous zentangle patterns drawn in its body.


  1. This art work is very good and detailed

  2. Okay my dude yours is probably the only drawing that had actual Zengtangles on a animal. For now anyway since i'm still trying to right Critiques for other projects but its pretty cool with lots of Zengtangle keep up the good work my dude.

  3. I like the drawing and the designs you put inside of your animal.

  4. The patterns on the fox are very cool and different. The diversity of the patterns are really cool and fit into the fox silhouette well. Good job.

  5. the fox is a nice design but the zentangle inside is even better

  6. I like how in your piece the different zentangles kind of lead to the next. My favorite is the zigzags that kind of look like stairs because of the way you shaded parts of it in.


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